We don't have any bathroom. Something went wrong. There is little to no fiber in our diets. I did not know I had the disease at the time. She was delivering her third child and as usual, there was. Wait a moment and try again. It gets worse as your pants get fuller. 5. It's concentrated hate coming out of some women. The standard, ti. Answer (1 of 3): Only the unhealthy ones. Did the women from the 'two girls one cup' video ever get sick? - Quora. eew yuck. So I had to go to train line. Does anyone else find this more troubling than actually pooping in front of your spouse? Haha yeah she does. By Jessica Bennett and Amanda McCall. Avoid fart-triggering foods a few hours before sex: Foods like onions, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and wheat can make some people gassy . Something went wrong. You will get your answer lol. When I was done, it looked like I had 5 large eggs in the seat of the. This includes women. I have peed in front of my male friend We were out on a camp in a jungle with my schoolmates. ago. There’s also a difference between pooping a full turd in. Poop is not just a laughing matter. Something went wrong. Something went wrong. The anus is just for male satisfaction. She giggled. Most sensations you feel have at least a vaguely analogous counterpart in women because, spoiler alert, in the womb we were all the same. Answer (1 of 12): I used to be active duty military. So I'll sneak out of view and pee in an alleyway or parking lot. Do ladies leave fecal stains on their thongs when they wear them after a bowel movement? - Quora. Answer (1 of 14): Not a thing. . . +1 y. oh my Dare was that I had to pee my pants in front of everybody and Also god. 6 mo. I’ve pooped my big boy underpants so many times, so consequently I have to wear diapers because that what happens to boys who poop in their pants. i dont really think so. Really, your friend is being a dope. How about this, find a pretty girl and make her to fart on you. Jk jk jk. What I don’t like much is doing multiple poops in the same pants over several days. Answer (1 of 23): Firstly, I think your question is sexist. and so on 1 2. Answer (1 of 10): Yes, the first time I did it was actually on accident when I was 15. Have you been caught wetting your diaper? - Quora. 1. The new-born baby has spent 9 months growing and developing in a sterile environment. 1. Do you poop in public restrooms? David-NewZealand Follow Xper 5 Age: 40 When you think about it none of us should hold back when we need to pee, fart or poop as it is bad for our insides and can led to major operations being need to save our lives. Everyone does, despite what your boyfriend or little brother thinks. I always have T. Fuck. Please men, understand that if we say "yes", then we're lying. My Boyfriend Wants to Watch Me Poop! by Savage Love February 24th, 2012. I begin with an image of perfect female buttocks: We must also at the outset address a preliminary question: “Where did our attraction to our bottoms come from?” The history of buttocks attraction began when Eve enticed Adam to partake of t. Two-Finger Method. Answer (1 of 11): I poop in my panties almost every morning. . I could feel her poop squishing around in her knickers. I tried both as a sort of naughty, funny science experiment when my little brother was still in diapers. . They’ve planned for it. Out it comes. Wet and poop in your diaper like a diaper. Answer (1 of 8): Yeah , I have been through a couple of births, myself. ago. Answer (1 of 2): Hehe Umm maybe because with or WITHOUT being together she deserves the freedom to poop in peace as a single individual even if it were a marriage. Is pooping in public a common occurrence in China? - Quora. 1. Id rather stop on a part of a road with little traffic and do it on the ground. Xper 5 Age: 26 , mho 42%. As a part of my morning routine, those two things generally do go together; but it’s not a need, it’s just timing. They perform many roles within the body, including causing you to poop more. . Answer (1 of 3): Because only men are allowed to be “gross. Answer (1 of 2): When I was young these were all the rage, and I bugged my parents to get me one. Duh. Something went wrong. Many nurses who do hospital work hold off their bathroom needs until end of shift. Answer (1 of 4): Why would it bother me to poop if someone is in the bathroom ? My husband has watched me poop. Browsed some of the scat subs. What would you think of their relationship?Answer (1 of 3): Hell. From the start men are not digesting their food properly and that's the price paid wh. . But. If anyone is saying they do poop, they are lying, don’t believe them. Have you ever accidentally caught someone pooping? - Quora. She struggles with ADHD, RAD which is a reattachment disorder, ODD, depression, anxiety, and has a habit of hoarding things. NSFW. It’s not super complicated. . 3 y. 26. Answer (1 of 16): This is a hard one, had to think about this one for a long time , came up with my answer, and it is “Tell him no” and then maybe say “ eat my poop”back to him. With no breaks its very hard to hold your. Both were not watching the other peeing, but still, it must feel kinda odd. I haven’t done both together, but I’ve been sick to the point I couldn’t get my pants down. When you are bearing down , it will feel like you have to poop out a giant rock , but once you get to that point , you won't care . • Any time I would move – i. I have been reading some anthropological books, through which I have synthesized some controversial ideas, which may offend some of the readers. Answer (1 of 6): I don’t know if anybody needs to shower, although I can imagine some situations where it would be wise. Anus: where solid waste exits the body. I am about to experience my first real scat experience with a girl which is so damn beautiful! I'm sure this nothing be compared to when. They sh*t. Wait a moment and try again. Only men poop. So much poop. You may become ill and you very well may vomit after ingesting human feces, similar to someone who has food poisoning. Sh*t happens. Lotion is usually the best smell you can put down there. . So sometimes I have to just face it and sit in the grass and let go into my cheer shorts. 3:02. Xper 3 Age: 28 , mho 81%. I remember it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, so it got me thinking. Do you pee in the bathtub or in the shower? - Quora. I have a crappy diet, she contributed to that, but she eats exactly what I eat. My Peeing Exploration. -4 Closed. Try again Please enable Javascript and refresh the page to continue VDOM DHTML tml>. It is natural and needed for the body to expel waste. 535 opinions shared on Girl's Behavior topic. For people who are struggling to get pregnant and you would like. No serious answers here. . 0 replies; 0 Chelsmad 4 hours ago; Wife wets 21 panties at once 1 2. Poop is usually one thing people try to keep as far away from their sex lives as possible, whether that means douching before anal sex, or just being a shy pooper in a new partner’s apartment. This allowed a woman to use either chamber pot, outhouse, or early toilet by just flipping her skirts (which she needed both hands to do, they were so long and heavy), and squatting. i mean, if thats what you like, everyone is different and likes different things. Gluestick05 • 8 yr. But under similar circumstances. +1 y. I poop three to four times daily. You may become ill and you very well may vomit after ingesting human feces, similar to someone who has food poisoning. What should you do? only you know the answer. When I did I let a bit of pee out into my nappy. Just like men, women pee out of their urethra. Answer (1 of 32): I've worked at the same place for a bit more than five years and I have never ever pooped there. Did they take their phone with them? Do they have a vape? If yo. Not sure if this is the right place but after the ‘incident’ I thought I might be into scat porn. When is it okay to shit your pants? - Quora. Place either one or both hands behind you to hold yourself up. VDOM DHTML tml>. 'Not already James' it was obvious she could smell it and I started crying. I was pooping n then one mentally ill man came to rape/fuck me. What I actually did was go out in the front yard and pick up a pile of my dog’s poop and put it in a bowl. Answer (1 of 7): Most of us won’t admit it, but if you have lived an active and adventurous life, it’s sort of LIKELY that for one reason or another you have done both, and maybe both on the same occasion. If you wanna smell my farts and hear the poop plopping in the water, be my guest. Women fart just. Poopin. Wait a moment and try again. Do girls fart? Of course. VDOM DHTML tml>. I was put through a long-term and recurring punishment involving this unusual method of being diapered, all because. You're not a freak, you just have a fetish, that's all. 0 Reply. But that doesn't mean everybody's aware of all there is to know about it. If you poop. Humans do not eat poop except in mental disorders like schizophrenia, Pico and Parde. I always get really constipated when I travel. My girlfriend takes massive shits. This question needs to be more focused. Let's play a little game called pee dare so how it works is your to give a dare like piss in a certain place so who wants to go first? If anyone was bursting to pee would anyone hold it in or just go Pee in a Bush? What should our 1st piss talk be about?Backseat Bursting: Pass the Toilet. Most poop, (especially human poop) tastes a lot like nothing, just like most things extruded from the body (snot, semen. I was caught naked by many people. R3melt • 6 mo. . While on a trail ride, I had to poop. My guy friend told me one drunk night that at a festival he opened a portaloo and there was a woman inside pooping though. . Wait a moment and try again. . The poor kid was adjusting to living in two homes (parents just split up). I had a kindergartner who was late to my art class because he pooped his pants. . Yep. So I pushed again and another ball of poop, about the same size, slipped into the panties onto the other ball. They were leg coverings that were left split, wide and droopy, usually from the top of the pubis clear round to the top of your buns. It's concentrated hate coming out of some women. The trait grants beautiful women an inverted intestinal tract, such that the belly button (naval) of. Women are supposed to look (and smell) nice. 0 Reply. if one of the two options above are not met, I'm not sure how you will keep a poopless thong. You will get your answer lol. Putting on a pair of pants with cold clammy poop already in it is not particurly pleasant. I actually tried to wake my friend in search of a companion but she was in deep sleep, which forced me to go alone. An overwhelming desire to clean yourself off 4. The difference is that men have a single opening at the very tip of the penis where they pee out of and ejaculate from. Vaginal opening: entrance to the vaginal canal. . whenever you don't see them. Does anyone poop their pants in bed? - Quora. It can be so hot in Florida that I have to drink a lot of water. Just have a little. Published Sept. . [11] 6.